About Events

Magical business solutions is a business entity which specialises in the organisation and management of Business Partner, conferences, seminars, Payroll Management and similar events. Typically working in either a consulting or full management role, we at MBS provide complete service management for conferences including; conference design, registration, venue finding and booking, av and it supports logistics, marketing and printing. We can also source speakers, financial management and control the budget on behalf of the client.

7 years of event experience latest experience Created by a group of industry professionals. Created by a group of industry professionals,Magical Business Solutions, has several in-house talents who have organised mega congresses of upto 300 delegates.We take pride in the fact that we have skilled team capable of handling new technologies and ideas. Our core team with its experience is always innovating new techniques and thoughts to make conference management simpler.

Events Lists

Managerial Events

We propose to carry out a range of events for enhancing managing, marketing and operation skills of individual/groups because the perspective of our college not only involves technical field but also managerial field. The details of the events we propose to be conducted under this category are like:


Mocks are better than idle talks. The best way to do a thing is to prepare for it beforehand. With the event Jobs, the participants would be getting a one hand experience with mock interview and selection process, enhancing their personality and knowledge in the process.


Can't Aceituntilyou Face it. The flagship event of the managerial category , Pinnacle invites some amazing ideas in the form of a presentation that can show case both the managerial as well as the personality of the participant .

Corporate Crisis Brandsome

Suit yourself up for this corporate crisis. The participants would be given a real-life crisis situation that they have to overcome. They need to show their managerial skills, team work and the witty tactics that they will be implementing in order to solve the crisis.


Fulfill your lifelong dream; become a brand ambassador. In this event the participants are required to come up with a product that can prove to be a benchmark in making the lives of people easier. They also have to show their convincing skills, while trying to promote their product an as influential brand.

Association Meetings and conferences

Preparation of the master checklist: Several steps to get the event right. As a first step, MBS project managers would prepare a detailed checklist with realistic timelines.


The success of an event depends on the correct planning of its finances. From budgets and projections to sponsorships and exhibition selling, we can share our expertise with you.Venue and Site Selection: From analyzing a city or venue’s capacity to hold your meetings to site inspections and venue contracting, we have the experience to know what fits you best.

Exhibitions, Audio Visual Equipment, Banner and signage

From dazzling stage designs and signage to state of the art audio-visual systems, we have a team to support your branding needs.

Printing conference material & Conference Proceedings

For the printing of the conference brochures, trade brochures, invited papers and abstracts to publicity materials, we have the right people for you.

Corporate Events

MBS has been commited to creating inspiring meeting and events that support your business objectives, namely:

  • Increasing Sales
  • Building and fostering loyalty
  • Creating unforgettable experience
  • Launching a new product or service
  • Raising awareness
  • Rewarding top performance
  • Enhancing market positioning

Association Meetings and conferences
  • Corporate Events
  • Design Management Services
  • Outbound conferences
  • Exhibition Management
  • Event Co creations
  • Poster Making
  • Photography
  • Fill in the memes
  • Pranksters
  • Boomerang