About MBS

We at Magical Business Solution, a Bangalore based organization offer astounding services to aspiring professionals and Indian based organizations. Our concern has achieved immense progress in fashioning an identity of its own. We spot unique professional traits of each budding professionals and offer career counselling. Career counselling includes exhibitions, seminars, training and tests to assist the hired professionals in achieving their dream jobs at reputed firm they would like to pursue. Thus, we are able to achieve a win-win situation by providing excellent services and deliver superior results to our clients as well as shareholders consistently.

Magical Business Solution is glad to help you with multiple accounting outsourcing service delivery models, that help your company to become more standardised, bring you compliance and upgrade your processes in a cost efficient way. Magical Business Solution provides a flexible range of integrated accounting delivery options:

Magical Business Solution as a business enterprise focuses on providing infallible Human Capital Solutions across industries and Pan India. Our registered office is headquartered in Bangalore on 7th of July 2020 and has evolved to be one among the best providers of human capital solution services for organizations based in India. Magical business solution (MBS) fulfils your job and business requirements ahead, Payroll Management Event Management, business Development, Outsourcing (Finance, BPO, KPO, Etc.) and Compliance.

Magical Business Solution (MBS) organization offer astounding services to aspiring professionals and Indian based organizations. Our concern has achieved immense progress in fashioning an identity of its own. We spot unique professional traits of each budding professionals and offer career counselling. Career counselling includes exhibitions, seminars, training and tests to assist the hired professionals in achieving their dream jobs at reputed firm they would like to pursue. Thus, we are able to achieve a winwin situation by providing excellent services and deliver superior results to our clients as well as shareholders consistently.

A human resource consultant ensures that an organization’s human capital reserves serve the best interest of the company. They create and develop a model that is specific to the organization. Their job is to ensure that the company’s workforce is operating to reach its optimum efficiency and maintain productivity.

HR consultant advises companies on many issues that involve the workforce as a new company will be employing the HR consultant to establish the procedures and policies of the company and to see if the company is complying with the laws that apply to their employees. In large organizations, HR establishes a grievance mediation process. In some organizations, HR would also make recommendations for reorganizing the departments’ leadership structure.

The human resources consultants will address specific issues within the organization. They may also overhaul the human capital of the company. Whatever may be the consulting effort of the HR team, the role of the HR consultant stays to give the company an effective and productive HR department.

Start Your Careers With MBS

"The Empires of the future are Empires of the mind"

What We Do

Magical Business Solution as a business enterprise focuses on providing infallible Human Capital Solutions across industries and Pan India. Our registered office is headquartered in Bangalore and has evolved to be one among the best providers of human capital solution services for organizations based in India. Magical Business Solution fulfils your job and business requirements ahead.

We provide new wave accounting, payroll and HR administration outsourcing across Europe utilizing our more than 2 years of combined professional experience, all embraced by technology. We are backed by the smart use of technology, process-driven thinking, and more so our battle-hardened, cohesive teams, on a regional scale. Our new generation stakeholders come from diverse industries, dedicated to professionalism, commitment

PAYROLL function and related HR ADMINISTRATION roles become one of the most critical positions nowadays. People and talents are the most important assets of every company, while local legislation and taxation of their reimbursements matured wide range of options. Our payroll outsourcing and HR administration services help your HR to focus on the core, keeping your employees motivation high, furthermore we support you to get the most out of your payroll function, embracing and championing this ever changing, complex climate with the upmost professional care. No matter which industry you are in, your employees will always be your key assets. Providing them with payroll that’s fast, easy and foremost accurate is crucial for securing your business continuity, spending a good chunk of your money as planned without surprises, nevertheless keeping your employees happy, when they hear that “ping” on their mobile as the transfer goes through. When you are looking for outsourcing HR administration and Payroll, Magical Business Solution offers you multiple service delivery models. These bring you standardization and compliance, reduce risk, and optimize process efficiency. As a result, you can lower your cost, drive standardization, and create a more flexible and agile organization.

We provide complex local and regional accounting outsourcing and tax compliance services through every phase of your company’s life cycle. You can be a company just starting or a multi-country international group, we help you find the best approach to manage your bookkeeping in a compliant manner. We also provide you with easy to understand financial information, which helps you making great decisions that drive your business forward.

Financial and management reporting supports you and your stakeholders for crucial decisions. However, for good decisions you need complete and accurate data in timely manner, with easy to digest reports. It can take lot of time and effort merging multiple sources of data across multiple systems via manual procedures, running the risk of being ready just by the last minute and finally, still having errors (oh, those rounding differences).